
Contact Us

You can reach our customer contact center by phone or e-mail. GMT Industrial Customer Contact Center; It provides a simple, single point of contact to all sales, service and internal support groups and their customers. Customer Contact Center teams will ensure you connect to the right person.

GMT Industrial Electronics Industry and Trade Inc.

Çubuklu Mahallesi Boğaziçi Caddesi No:6/B 34805
Beykoz /Istanbul Turkey

90 216 668 00 06
+90 (534) 363 75 33
+90 (534) 882 12 22
+90 (216) 668 00 03

Human Resources

Application and Recruitment Process

Our Working Policy

To ensure that the right candidates are employed in the right positions,
To ensure that employees take responsibility in accordance with their knowledge and abilities,
To keep the morale and motivation of all employees at the highest level,
To create a healthy, safe and peaceful working environment in terms of worker health and safety,
To enable the employee's development needs, business goals and future organizational needs of the company,
To offer internship opportunities to university students,
To protect and develop all personal rights of the personnel.

general application

your resume gmt@gmtcontrol.comYou need to send it to .


Contact us to get information about our products and services.