GMSuite PLC Editor Program (ver program is our new generation software to replace GMTSoft program. It is a Windows based software. With this software, all the deficiencies needed in the GMTSoft software have been eliminated and a more user-friendly programming editor has been created. With this editor, you can write all logical programs of our PLC products with Ladder method diagram and transfer them to CPUs via ethernet and USB ports. GMSuite Software is also used to program our Display Mini PLCs.
Before installing this version, it is recommended to uninstall the old version if it is installed on your PC.
Firmware and Bootloader of a PLC CPU working with GMTSoft must be updated in order to work with GMSuite.
You can download the update instructions from the "UPDATE" button.
A CPU running GMSuite cannot be made operational with GMTSoft.
GMTSoft PLC Editor Program (ver is a Windows-based software with which you can write all the logical programs of our products with the GMTSoft editor. You can transfer PLC programs, which you can prepare with Ladder diagram, to the device by connecting via ethernet port.
USB DriverThe following driver is needed to upload programs to Mini PLCs and GMTSuite PLCs with screen, to withdraw programs and to establish online links. Also, the same driver is required for the GCM-485-USB encoded USB-RS485 converter. Before making a connection, the appropriate driver file must be installed.
PDesigner HMI Editor Program (ver (Build 241213)This is the editor required for programming GHS, MSG, TSG, FLG and TG Series HMIs. With this program, programs written in versions 2.2 and above of the GOP HMI Editor program can be opened and updated. Tag lists can be loaded from PLC software developed with GMTSuite with the existing GMTSuite PLC driver.
"Before installing this version of PDesigner HMI editor, it is recommended to uninstall the old version editor from your computer, and after the installation is done."
GOP HMI Editor Program (ver this version, the program can be installed in Turkish or English. With the GMTCNT TCP driver, communication can be established with GLC396X and GLC496X series PLCs via ethernet port. With the added GMSuite PLC driver, tag list can be loaded from PLC software developed with GMSuite. With our Windows-based editor program, you can prepare and upload all image and program work.
PC Software for MICNO DrivesThis software is connected to Micno series Speed Controllers via RS485 port. In this way, you can control the inverter, change parameters, save and backup and restore previously saved parameters.
VNC SoftwareIt allows to transfer the screenshots of HMIs with GMTCNT Ethernet Port to the PC and use it from there. You can also connect to the HMI over the internet by port forwarding through the modem.
G-930 Zigbee RF Module Tuning SoftwareIt is the software you will use to adjust the products when more than two RF modules are used or when communication settings need to be changed. In order for the software to work, your computer must have a RS232 port by default or the USB-RS232 converter must be plugged into the computer and working before running the software.
GMTCNT SD Series Servo PC SoftwareYou can adjust the settings of your SD Series Servo via PC using this program. USB Driver is also available in PC software file.
GMTCNT SD7 Series Servo PC SoftwareYou can adjust the settings of your SD Series Servo via PC using this program. USB Driver is also available in PC software file.
PC Software for GAIN DrivesThis software is connected to GAIN series Drives via RS485 port. In this way, you can control the inverter, change parameters, save and backup and restore previously saved parameters.
G-9921 Wireless Lora - RS232/485/422 Converter Configuration SoftwareIt is the software you will use to adjust the products when more than two RF modules are used or when communication settings need to be changed. In order for the software to work, your computer must have a RS232 port by default or the USB-RS232 converter must be plugged into the computer and working before running the software.
PC Software for GFD Speed ControllersThis software connects to GFD series Speed Controllers via RS485 port. In this way, you can control the inverter, change parameters, save and backup and restore previously saved parameters.